com /fritzing/fritzing-parts ) to be present as its subdirectory The Fritzing executable requires a local clone of the fritzing-parts repository ( github.Oh, there was more from Discourse: “Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post.” well thanks for that, really makes me feel good after spending all that time taking screenshots! Why not limit me also to one code snippet - or indeed, just posting a single word? That would be so encouraging for new users! I’ll leave the links, hopefully a mod will correct them Unfortunately, knowing the Discourse software, it will likely prohibit me from posting links as a first time user (one would wish they had the insight of using JavaScript to notify the user of that in advance), so this post will be harder to read than necessary - but hey, we all know technology exists to make our lives harder org /learning/tutorials/creating-custom-parts are quite nice ), so I wanted to document my experience.

I was having a hard time figuring out how parts files are used in Fritzing ( otherwise I think the tutorials listed under fritzing.